gum up

The phrase "gum up" is commonly used to describe situations where something is obstructed or hindered, often in an informal context.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ US Voice:
πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ UK Voice:



(informal)To cause something to become clogged or obstructed, preventing it from functioning properly.


  • The printer got gummed up with paper, causing a delay in printing.
  • Dust can gum up the gears of a machine if not cleaned regularly.


(informal)To interfere with or hinder the progress or operation of something.


  • His constant interruptions gummed up the meeting, making it difficult to reach a decision.
  • A bureaucratic error gummed up the entire process, delaying the project by weeks.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "gum up":

gummy upmuddy upmuck upbugger upjam upbug upmuddle upgrease upstuff upfoul upblock upscuzz upjammed upstop upsnarl upgoof upjumble upstink upbunged upfog upbung upgum stickmess upmist upstuffed upplug upmuss upplugged upchoke upscrew upchum upchew uplard uprub upstew upoil upgob upbog downcork upsnot upsmell uptie upblocked upbogged downseize uppuddle uprumple upgussy uprough upyellow gumjumbled uptrip upgin upsugar upglaze upstick togethergreased upink upbind upcrumb up