gun up
"Gun up" often implies preparation involving firearms, either in personal arming or in readiness for a specific activity.
(informal, slang)To arm oneself or others with firearms.
- He decided to gun up before heading into the dangerous area.
C1Clay Shooting
(technical, sport)To have the firearm pre-mounted before the target appears.
- In competitive clay shooting, it's crucial to gun up before the target is released.
(informal, slang)To accelerate the engine of a vehicle aggressively.
- He gunned up the engine to show off his new car.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "gun up":
gear upgun forgen upgee upgun downgin uptool upgun offgeed uphem upload upgas upknife upnut upsaddle uphop upcamo upget it upstick upget up inbull uphot upfight uplock and loaddope upcowboy upbrace upgoose upante upamp upknuckle uphead upbutt upfront upbadge upman upleg upfire upup forsack uptee upkick upkip upjack upup in armsruck upbug uprun upone upget upgob upshoot upduke upstock upcharge uprun and gungun lapink upsuit uphands upgun fuamped upbig gungussy upbrass upliquor uprug upcoat upbunker upunder the gunwork upjacket upstarting gungun jumpingkeyed upride up ongulp upstiff upget up the yardlocked and loadedboss uppal updummy upbutch uppull up onhutch uphaul uppump upfetch upjump upcuff upstep uptack uphit upgo great gunsrun up oncorner upmug upbooze upcue upbig upbuy up