hack up

The phrase "hack up" can imply aggressive or rough actions, often involving cutting, coughing, or crude creation.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ US Voice:
πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ UK Voice:



(informal)To cough violently, often producing phlegm or mucus.


  • She started to hack up phlegm after catching a bad cold.


(technical, informal)To quickly and crudely create or modify a piece of code.


  • He managed to hack up a working prototype in just a few hours.


(informal)To cut or chop something into pieces in a rough or careless manner.


  • He used a dull knife to hack up the fallen tree branches.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "hack up":

cough upchuck upcough outcack upthrow uphack offchoke upchop uphack awaywhack upcacked uphem upspit outchew upkick upblow chunkscut upsnot upbug upcough and a spitcook upgulp upchop it upstuff upcure upcrap upcast uphaul uppluck upchop outmuck uprake uprip upchurn uphutch uptear upgob uprark upact upgin upmash upchisel upcrack upmess upwork uppit outpork upbrew upchalk upshit outheap upfix upscuzz upbugger upchum upfoul upcarve upstew updig up