hash mark

The term "hash mark" varies widely in meaning, from a symbol used in text and social media to specific markings on sports fields and military uniforms.

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(common)The symbol (#) used in text, computing, and social media.


  • Use a hash mark to tag your posts on social media.
  • In programming, the hash mark often denotes a comment.

B2American Football

(sports)Short parallel lines on the field marking yard increments.


  • The quarterback lined up behind the hash mark before the play.
  • Hash marks help referees measure the distance for first downs.

B2Ice Hockey

(sports)Parallel lines on either side of the face-off circles.


  • The player positioned himself near the hash mark for the face-off.
  • Coaches often instruct players to stay between the hash marks.


(formal)A service stripe on an enlistee’s uniform sleeve indicating years of service.


  • The veteran proudly displayed several hash marks on his uniform.
  • Each hash mark represents three years of dedicated service.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "hash mark":

pound signcheck markmark timemark outmark downslash linequestion mark