having it

The phrase "having it" is versatile and context-dependent, often indicating refusal, enjoyment, or possession of a desirable quality.


C1UK Slang

(informal, slang)Engaging in sexual intercourse.


  • They were having it off in the back room.

B2Everyday Conversation

(informal)Possessing a desirable quality, skill, or talent.


  • She's really got it when it comes to playing the piano.

B2Everyday Conversation

(informal, negative)Refusing to accept or believe something.


  • She wasn't having it when they tried to explain the situation.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "having it":

have ithave it going onhave had ithave it alllet's have ithave it badhave it outwith ithave it madein itgot it going onhave athave it awayget itfor ithave a thinghave onlet someone have itat ityou got it