head up
The phrase 'head up' has versatile uses, ranging from leadership roles to specific actions in nautical contexts.
(common)To lead or be in charge of a group, organization, or project.
- She was chosen to head up the new marketing initiative.
- He will head up the research team for the upcoming project.
(technical)To turn a vessel towards the wind.
- The captain ordered the crew to head up as the storm approached.
(technical)To close or seal a container, such as a cask or barrel, by fitting a cover on it.
- The workers headed up the barrels before shipping them to the distillery.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "head up":
heads upstay upchin uplook upsit upstick uplift upon the upgo upmove upkeep upstiff upget it upbear upfront upstand uphey upsend upsit up withleg upbig upbuoy uphands upput upgee upperk upnut uphop upbrace upbutt upcarry upbuck upjump upbutts upplay upget upman upfight uplook aheadkeep it upstep upbull upbob upstraighten uphold uprise uphot upone upkip upwindow upbell upup aboveboss upride up onbitch upride upjerk uphigh upcheer uphem upprick upcorner upup topkick upkeep aheadbrass upstand up withup forget up ingo up forclimb uprise abovelook up and downup therebump upchirk uphike upgun upcome upjack uprun upread upcollar upget on upup a heightgob uppitch uphead in the cloudscome up toput up onrear one's headpull up onpipe upon one's feethaul upstuck upshape upstraight upword upbelly upknife updrive uppull upprop upgo upstairsduke upkey uptalk upgen upscoot upbring upput one's hands upwork upsteady onback upput one's hand uppost uppush uphutch upgoose upcowboy upstand on endhoney upbrighten upprice upmove aheadride highgeed upstand up tokeep up withease uphead-up displayup and downjoke upflex upget up the yardante upcrease upup linesearch upthumbs upclue upstick outlove upup in the airup the polegrain uphead offjacket upon tiptoesaddle upfall uppluck upbug uptake up