hem up
The phrase "hem up" has varied meanings, primarily used in informal or slang contexts, often implying restriction or confinement.
B2Street Talk
(informal, slang)To arrest or detain someone.
- The police hemmed him up after the chase.
- They got hemmed up for causing trouble downtown.
B2Street Talk
(informal, slang)To physically restrain someone, often by grabbing their clothing.
- He hemmed up the thief by grabbing his collar.
- The security guard hemmed him up before he could escape.
(technical)To fold and stitch the edge of a piece of fabric.
- She hemmed up the dress to make it shorter.
- I need to hem up these pants before wearing them.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "hem up":
gee uphop uphit upjam upnut upgun upbutt uphey uphutch upkip upgen uphack uphot upbug upfight upkick uphopped upchum upman uprough uphaul uplove upbang upbung upknuckle uphead upbull upgin upbrace upwhomp uphit up againstup fortee upamp uptat upget it upmonkey upante uprhyme upcuff upjump upfront uppal updust upget on upstick uprub upleg upgo hamdo upmuss upheap upknock uphype upbig upruck upstiff upcamo upbeat upruffle updope uphands upsex upey updummy uphitch upknife uppimp upboss upjoke upstep upchange uptalk upamped uphoney upfix uppipe uppluck uphold upbeam upshape upcowboy upget upchoose upwork upplay upbutch updone uprug upget up inball upbuck upsquare upwhack upsmack uptie upjimmy upbump upjack upbadge upclap upone upeat uprun up onduke upmatch upgeed upstand uphem and hawfetch uprark upword uphike upsize upgussy upvamp uphung upjammed upup in armsput up one's dukessaddle upswitch upheat upbuff upjerk uprumple upbeat up onpork uptrice upmix up