hike up
The phrase "hike up" is commonly used in informal contexts to describe actions involving pulling something upwards or significantly increasing amounts.
(informal)To pull or lift something, especially clothing, to a higher position.
- She hiked up her skirt to climb over the fence.
- He hiked up his pants before wading into the water.
(informal)To increase or raise something, such as prices or rates, significantly.
- The company decided to hike up the prices of their products.
- They hiked up the rent by 20% last year.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "hike up":
climb upgo uphitch upride uprun uphot upjack upmove uptake a hikeride up onkick updrive upcrease upcrank uphop upbump upamp uphaul upup a heightramp upscoot uprise abovejump uphead upleg uppump upgee uplift upwork upstep upshoot uppitch upstiff upup the anteplay upgo up forcome up tosend upfight upsaddle uprise uphopped uphutch upget it uphit upgas upstick upvamp upruck upheat upgin upgob uphill climbget up inhem upon the upwork one's way upheap uptrump upchirk up