hit up
The phrase "hit up" is versatile and commonly used in informal contexts to mean contacting someone, visiting a place, or asking for something.
(informal)To contact someone, usually through a phone call, text, or social media.
- Hit me up when you're free this weekend.
(informal)To visit or go to a place, often for a specific reason.
- Let's hit up the new cafe downtown.
(informal)To ask someone for something, especially money or a favor.
- He hit me up for a ride to the airport.
C1Drug Use
(informal, slang)To take an intoxicating drug.
(technical)To take a pass from the dummy half and run directly into the opposition's defensive line.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "hit up":
hit up againsthit onhit ithit mehot uphit offholla atlink uphit outhop uphem uptap uphit withmeet uphit uponstrike upbig uphook uprun up onhey upcall uppull up onsmack uppick upbeat uphop onhit backspark updope uptouch baseconnect upwhack upword upbang upcome up topimp upup forsmoke uphop intoget on upknock upchange upbang intohit the streetsbutt upbump upheads upsearch upring upamp uphit the buttongo upshoot uptee upholla backkick upbug upeat upfire upbang offhopped upbump intocheck outbeat up onhike upfuck withcheck up onheat upjump onget withdrive upcome on tokick itskank uprun uplove upswitch upget onjump uptat upturn upgas uprock upgo atload upjoin upget atsex upstep uphit the gashit the pavementcatch upreach outkip upplay upmatch upjam upfight upgee upchum upblaze upante upbook upsnap uplook upchoose upbang ongun upbang outget on torun intoink updo upnut upstay up