home school
"Home schooling" is an alternative form of education where children learn outside of traditional school settings, often guided by parents or tutors.
πΊπΈ US Voice:
π¬π§ UK Voice:
B2General Education
(common)To educate children at home instead of sending them to a traditional school.
- Many parents choose to home school their children for a more personalized education.
B2General Education
(common)The practice of receiving education at home, typically guided by parents or tutors.
- She has been home schooled since she was seven years old.
C2General Education
(dated, US)A boarding school.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "home school":
home teachingpublic schoolhigh schoolfirst schoolboarding schoolprep schoolupper schoolhome trainingseparate schoolsenior high schoolsecondary schoolconvent schoolresidential schoolelementary schoolmission schoolstudy hallforest schoolindustrial school