hutch up

"Hutch up" is a colloquial phrase used in various contexts, primarily to describe making space for someone else.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ US Voice:
πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ UK Voice:



(informal)To move slightly to make space for someone else.


  • Can you hutch up a bit so I can sit down?
  • They had to hutch up on the bench to fit everyone.


(informal)To share living space with another person, often due to high costs.


  • With the rent so high, we decided to hutch up and share an apartment.


(informal, LGBT)To adopt a more conventional appearance to blend in or be accepted.


  • He felt pressured to hutch up at work to avoid discrimination.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "hutch up":

hitch uphem uptuck upbunk upbutt uphop upruck upbunker uphaul upjacket upscoot uprug uphole uphoney upbutch upchum uphot uphack upcuff uphook inhush uphopped uphike uplair uppork upnut uphead upsaddle upcheese upconnect upstiff uptrice upbutts upwhack upgoose uphey uphook uphop intojack upput upgun uptack upgee upbug upink uprub upride up onbump upskank upcollar upbroom up