industrial complex

The term "industrial complex" often refers to the interconnected relationships between industry sectors and governmental institutions, highlighting their influence on public policy and societal outcomes.

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(technical, academic)A network of interconnected industries and businesses within a specific sector that influence each other.


  • The industrial complex of the automotive sector includes manufacturers, suppliers, and distributors.


(technical, academic)A system where private and public sector entities coordinate to achieve mutual benefits, often at the expense of broader societal interests.


  • Critics argue that the healthcare industrial complex prioritizes profit over patient care.

C2Political Science

(technical, academic)The close relationship between a nation's military and the defense industry, emphasizing their mutual interests and influence on public policy.


  • The military-industrial complex has a significant impact on national defense budgets.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "industrial complex":

marriage-industrial complexindustrial scaleindustry plantindustrial strength