jack up
The phrase "jack up" is versatile and used in various contexts, including mechanical, financial, and colloquial settings.
(technical)To lift or raise an object, especially a vehicle, using a mechanical device.
- They jacked up the car to change the tire.
(informal)To increase or elevate something, such as prices or rates, often suddenly.
- The company had to jack up its prices due to inflation.
(informal, slang)To ruin or mess something up.
- He jacked up the project by missing the deadline.
B2New Zealand
(regional)To organize or arrange something.
- They managed to jack up a meeting with the manager.
(colloquial)To shoot, often in the context of a poor shot opportunity.
- He jacked up a three-pointer despite being heavily guarded.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "jack up":
jacked upjerk upcrank upkick upjump uppump uplift upbump uphike uphop upamp upjack intodrive upjack aroundgas upjack inget it upgin uphot uphaul upwedge upcranked upstiff upprop upcrease upstick upvalue raiseramp uprun upleg upsend uptrump upbug upjam upbull upshoot uppitch updrag upbuoy upwhack upbutt upjazz upmove upup the anterark upknock upgo upplay upjuice upride upjoke upspike uphead uppull up ongee upamped uprake upsoup uphitch upstep upvamp uppull upgen uprack uppluck upraise the stakesperk upprice upwork upput upfix upfire upkip uppumped upride up ongun updo upfight uppush uppimp upante uprise upbob upbang upbig updrill uphopped uprarked upcharge upbung upjuiced uprise abovebell upbring upstay upsit uphem upbuck upbuild upfront uptalk upruck upspark upbuff upsex upjacket upring uphype uppump and jumphutch uppipe upfetch upplump uprough upup a heightnut upbuy upheap uppower upget up indrum upup forskank upbunk upgoose upstand upfluff up