jacked up
"Jacked up" is a versatile slang term used in various contexts, including automotive, physical state, and emotional condition.
(informal, slang)Raised or lifted using a mechanical device, often to repair or modify a vehicle.
- The car was jacked up to replace the flat tire.
B2Substance Use
(slang)Under the influence of drugs, especially stimulants.
- He looked jacked up after taking those pills.
(informal)Significantly increased or expanded.
- They jacked up the prices for the holiday season.
B2Physical Condition
(slang)In a state of disrepair, damaged, or injured.
- After the accident, his car was completely jacked up.
B2Emotional State
(slang)Stimulated, excited, or overly energetic.
- He was all jacked up after winning the game.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "jacked up":
jack upcranked upjuiced upjammed upjack aroundjack intoamped upmessed upscrewed uppumped uphopped upfucked upfuckered upjack inbanged uprarked upwhack upcacked upcracked upjazzed upout of whackbotched upmuscled upjam upbang uprucked upcracked outturnt upshook upjerk uptore uphacked offstuffed uptanked updone upjumbled upkeyed upgeed uptorqued offtricked outcrank upbeat upbug upfucked overmonkey jackpranged outnicked uppuffed upsmacked outstuck upbung upamp upfired upsmack upcaked up