jammed up
The phrase "jammed up" is versatile in informal speech, often indicating a state of being stuck, busy, or in trouble.
B2General Usage
(informal)In a difficult or troublesome situation, unable to move forward.
- I'm jammed up with work and can't take any more tasks.
(informal)Crowded or congested, with little space to move.
- The highway is jammed up due to an accident.
C1Police Slang
(slang)In trouble with the authorities, often involving legal issues or penalties.
- He got jammed up by the cops for speeding.
(informal, technical)Blocked or obstructed, preventing movement or flow.
- The printer is jammed up and won't print any documents.
B2Urban Slang
(slang)Describing something as incredibly extraordinary or amazing.
- That concert was totally jammed up!
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "jammed up":
jam upstuffed upjacked upjumbled upbanged upblocked uplocked upplugged upbunged upgum upbound upbung upmessed upscrewed upblock uptied upfuckered upbang upfucked upjumble upjazzed upbotched upbooked upbogged downamped uphopped upstuff upbug uprucked upcorked upturnt uprarked upjuiced upmuss upcacked upcranked upkeyed upbugger upshook upseize upwhack updone uppranged outstuck uplock upmuddle upgummy upnicked upjam rollsnarl upmist uphem uptied in knotsmess upfoul upfrizzed uptore up