joke up
The phrase "joke up" is used informally to describe adding humor or making jokes in certain contexts, often involving social dynamics or enhancing the humor of a situation.
(informal)To add humor to something that is not inherently funny.
- She tried to joke up the boring meeting with a few funny anecdotes.
C1Social Dynamics
(informal)To make jokes aimed at individuals of a higher social class or authority.
- In his stand-up routine, he often jokes up, poking fun at politicians and celebrities.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "joke up":
joke aroundhalf jokeone jokecack upjerk uphave a laughtrump upsend upcrack upgin upno jokejack upcacked upbug uprhyme upjam upcheese upgoof uplaugh downcracked upstiff upstick uppunch upgen upjump upcook upget it uplighten uphem upsmoke upsnot upstand upplay upget up inbowl upjew uppull someone's leggee upone upgoose upon the uproast uplaugh withtrice upknock upwork uplaugh atcure upchirk uphot upnut upsadden uphead upstuff upjazz upwhack upsit updope upstay upclue upcome upbunk upskank upsmell upget upkick uplove upsex upbutt up