jump around

The phrase "jump around" often conveys energetic or erratic movement and can describe both physical actions and behaviors.

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(informal)To move quickly and energetically from one place to another.


  • The kids were jumping around in the playground.


(informal)To switch abruptly and frequently between different topics, tasks, or activities.


  • He tends to jump around from one project to another without finishing any.


(informal)To leap or hop in various directions, often in a playful or excited manner.


  • She was jumping around with joy when she heard the good news.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "jump around":

jump aboutdance aroundbounce aroundjump upjump onon the jumpfrog jumpmove aroundjump outhop intojump inrun aroundjump offbounce off the wallspump and jumpbang arounddouble jumpskip ropebunny hopjerk aroundjumping jackhop upjump ropebounce offhippy jumphop onrocket jumpplay aroundquantum jumphop offon the hoppuddle jumpjucking timebungee jumpjump ballgo aroundbunny hopperkick aroundskate aroundrun aboutget on uptime jumpjump cutlook aroundfloat aroundlong jumpkip upthrow some shapeshop the twigskipping ropehopped upjump boxjump shipbust a movethrow aboutkick up one's heelskick upkite jumpstep overjoke arounddance on a ropetiptoe aroundball outbounce backget jiggyup and downget aroundmove upbarrel jumpkick ittoss aroundmix it upmess arounddance to a new tune