jump in
The phrase "jump in" is often used to describe the act of entering a situation or activity quickly and energetically.
(informal)To enter a conversation or activity suddenly and energetically.
- Feel free to jump in if you have any comments.
- He decided to jump in and join the discussion.
(informal)To start doing something quickly, often without much preparation.
- She didn't hesitate to jump in and help with the project.
- They had to jump in and solve the problem immediately.
(informal)To interrupt someone while they are speaking.
- He jumped in before I could finish my sentence.
- Please don't jump in while I'm talking.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "jump in":
jump onhop intojump aboutjump outjump offjump upon the jumphop onget injump aroundtake the plungego instep infrog jumpdrop intotake a divekick inhop updouble jumphop offdropping inpuddle jumprush inget intothrow inpitch inchime intoe inbutt inpump and jumpjump the gunjump the queuedrop ingo in onstart intoquantum jumpon the hopjoin upgo intojump shipcome inslip intime jumpdrop someone in itstep uprocket jumpstart in onwalk intojoin outenter intochip inwalk indip intogo in forlong jumpchuck incrash inbounce aroundbungee jumpget onhippy jumpstep onstep outget stuck intokite jumpdrop behindskip ropeget on upmove in onbreak intofall inhopped upfall intoswan divestep offdeep endduck out