jump out

The phrase "jump out" is versatile, often used to describe sudden emergence, noticeable differences, or surprising actions.

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(common)To become immediately noticeable or apparent.


  • The bright colors on the billboard really jump out.


(common)To suddenly come at someone from a hiding place.


  • The cat jumped out from behind the couch.


(technical)To exit a loop or function before reaching its end condition.


  • The program will jump out of the loop if an error is detected.

C2Gang Slang

(slang)To expel a member from a criminal gang.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "jump out":

jump offpop outjump upjump injump aboutspring outjump onduck outfly outhop intojump aroundhop offstep outon the jumpburst outbust outbreak outslip outfly offget outbug outflip outcome outget out ofbail outwalk outcrash outhop upfrog jumpfall outbuck outpop offpull outback outbomb outball outfly the coopjump shipstick outbat outhop oncrop outbounce offspring uppush outstep offcrap outpop downkick outbounce aroundmake a run for itforce outcrack outstop outway outtrap outjoin outduck offjump the gungo outcatch outfish outspark outjump scareget outsideedge outpeal outfling outbung outrig outflake outpitch outtop outrun awaytake flightshow outbush outswing outrush outgame outdouble jumpbob upmove outstand outpoke outtip outwhip outspout outrun out onget offbungee jumpburst uptake a diveget outside ofshot outsee outpop uphave outstay outcop outheel outweasel outbox outdrop intoboot outtrip outfreak outbash outpoop outjump the queuedrop outget out of hereslip offfall offtag outleak outtap outbreak awaytake offpull awaywriggle out ofdrop behindget awaylet outout of one's boxbitch outsing outquantum jumppump and jumpget out while the getting's goodpull offon the hopgo offtake the plungeprang outpush offcome out withspill outream outdance around