junior school
"Junior school" refers to an educational institution that provides primary education to young children, typically before they transition to higher levels of schooling.
An educational institution for young children, usually between the ages of 7 and 11, providing primary education.
- She started attending junior school when she turned 7.
B1United Kingdom
A school providing education to children in Key Stage 2, typically from ages 7 to 11.
- In the UK, children move to junior school after completing infant school.
Part of a private school that educates children between the ages of 2 and 5.
- In Australia, junior school can start as early as age 2.
B1Canada (Ontario)
A school teaching children from kindergarten to Grade 5.
- In Ontario, junior school covers kindergarten through Grade 5.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "junior school":
junior high schoolsecondary schoolupper schooljunior collegeelementary schoolmiddle schoolfirst schoolhigh schoolgrammar schoolpublic schoolsenior high schoolsixth formprep schoolboarding schoolschool life