kick up
The phrase 'kick up' is versatile and used in various informal contexts to describe actions involving increase, disturbance, or sudden activity.
(informal)To cause a commotion or disturbance.
- The protesters kicked up a fuss outside the government building.
(informal)To increase in intensity or activity.
- The wind began to kick up as the storm approached.
(technical)To move sharply upward.
- The lever kicked up when the machine was turned on.
(informal)To react strongly or angrily to something.
- She kicked up when she found out about the new policy.
(colloquial)To make something more exciting.
- They kicked up the party with some live music.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "kick up":
kick up dustkip upkick overkick up one's heelsrake upchurn upstir upjump upjack upkick itamp upgin upkick offplay upgee upruffle uprun upfight uphot upcrank updust upkick aroundfire upstep uphike upspark uppitch uphop upbug uprough updrum upbump upkick backjerk upspike upknock updrag upwork upwhip upshake uprark uprarked upsend upvamp upkick inkick startcast upcook upturn upleg upgen upamped upup the antebutt upstrike upscare uphack upmove upstick upbrew uppluck uphem uppump upchange upante upstiff upget it upbring upramp uptalk upsex uplift uptrump upruck upjazz upfall upspice upget on upride upact uphead upknife upbroom upscuzz upspin uphitch upsparkle uprub upcranked upfluff updo upget up inswitch uphopped upride up onbrush uptumble uptee uppipe uppunch upkeep upcrease upflame updrive upstew upblaze upskank upperk upsoup uphype uppuddle upball upheat uphoof itcook up a stormgun uppepper upmix upfront upmuss upbang upboil upbull upturn up the heatfetch upkick one's heelsknuckle upheap upbowl upflare uprack upget upgo uprise upraise the stakesshoot upmix it upgeed upbubble upcack upchuck upcarry uprock uprumple upkick into touchcome upscoot upburst uptrice upspring uphit upbeat the dustjam uppimp upnut upcuff upget up the yardbig upcough upput uptake upbob uprucked upburn updust offboss upjump aboutroast upfix upsit upscrape upduke upbuild upup in armsjump aroundmuddy upstay upgob uphaul upsweep upwhomp uptart upkick over the tracesoutkick one's coveragebung upgoose upput the boot inpork upprick upclock upon the upget a leg uptrip upfired upliven uppumped uppuff upfoul upcowboy upblast upround uptap upcure upbruise upup stickssimmer upcolor upjump ongrind upnicked uprein uppush offbell upstand uplair updrop kickgear upclap upscorch upsmack upchirk updish upkick into the long grasspull up onwhack upsharpen upsquare upbuck upgas upjoke upkick outcross uprev upcut a rugpink upshape upcamp it upkick someone's assrise above