kip up
The term "kip up" describes a dynamic move often seen in gymnastics, martial arts, and breakdancing, showcasing agility and strength.
C1British Informal
(informal, slang)To reside or stay temporarily at a place.
- I'm just kipping up at a friend's house for the weekend.
B2Physical Movement
(technical, sports)A maneuver where one moves from lying on the back to standing in one swift motion, often involving a leg kick and hand push.
- Learning the kip up requires both strength and coordination.
- He impressed the crowd with a flawless kip up during the performance.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "kip up":
kick upjump uphop upknife upkey upkick overstep upkeep upstay upkick ithem upgee upbob upcross upstick upsit uphead upknuckle upget it upfight upget on upget uppal upstand upfall upjerk upbig upzip upknock upleg upswitch upnut uphey upup forup sticksstiff upjump aboutone updummy uphot upwindow upget up indrop kickjack upbull upgun uppush upchange uptrice upkick up one's heelscash upjump aroundpull upmove uplift upbug upbump upball upchin uptee upkick offsend upbutt uprun uptumble upkick startsit up withtap upcorner upon the upmonkey upjimmy upflex upclap upink upduke upmuscle uppipe uptat upkeep it uppad uppink upplay upput upbadge upkite jumppitch upgen upfront upbicycle kickheads upbelly upante uphit upperk upchoose upcuff upnicked uptuck upcamo upbung upgo updo uplace upconnect uptie uppull up ontrip uplook up