lay about

The phrase "lay about" can imply either engaging in violent action or idleness, depending on its usage.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ US Voice:
πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ UK Voice:


C1British English

(informal)To attack someone violently, often with a weapon.


  • The gang laid about him with sticks.


(informal)To strike or hit repeatedly in various directions.


  • He laid about with his fists in the brawl.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "lay about":

lay overlay onlay inlay bylay figurelay downlay tolay openlay awaylie overlay intolie aroundlie downlie inlay backlie uponlie withlie bylay outlie backlie behindlay to restlay uplay wastelaid uplay in lavenderlie in the waylay asidelay at someone's doorlay oddslie beforelay barelay on the linelay a foundationlay lowlay offget laidbed downrest ondoss downlay an egglie on the oarssleep onlair uplay pipelive downlard downlay it on thicklay of the landlayer up