lay figure

The term "lay figure" has origins in art and literature, describing both a physical model used by artists and a metaphorical figure in narratives.

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(technical)A jointed model of the human body used by artists to study and depict human anatomy.


  • The artist adjusted the lay figure to capture the perfect pose for his painting.


(metaphorical)An individual who is used as a tool or pawn by others, often lacking autonomy or significance.


  • In the novel, the character was merely a lay figure, manipulated by more powerful forces.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "lay figure":

lay tolay openlay aboutlay overlay bylay onlay awaylay inlay downlie overlay outlay backlay uplay intolay to restlie downlie bylie inlie aroundlie backlay oddslie uponlay wastelay a foundationlay asidelay in lavenderlie behindlay barelie in the waylie withlaid uplay on the linelayer uplay lowlay of the landlay pipelie beforelay at someone's doorlay off