lay over
The phrase "lay over" is commonly used in travel contexts to describe a temporary stop during a journey.
(informal, North American English)To stop somewhere briefly during a long trip, usually to catch another mode of transportation.
- We had to lay over in Chicago before catching our connecting flight to San Francisco.
(informal)To postpone or delay an activity to a later time.
- The meeting was laid over until next week.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "lay over":
lay aboutlay onlay inlay bylay downlay openlie overlay figurelay awaylay tolie downlay intolay backlay outlie inlie aroundlie backlay uplie uponlie bylie withlie behindlay to restlaid uplay in lavenderlay on the linelay asidelay wastelie in the waylay oddslay a foundationlay barelay lowlay offlayer uplay at someone's doorlie beforebed downlay it on thicksit overget laidput overlay pipelay an eggsleep onflat on one's backdoss downrest onlard downlive downroll overset downlair uplie on the oarslean onlay of the landface downslept onsleep withput downput one overon one's backlay a finger onpile on