lift up
The phrase "lift up" is versatile and can describe physical elevation, emotional encouragement, or increasing volume.
To raise something or someone to a higher position.
- He lifted up the box and placed it on the shelf.
(figurative)To improve someone's mood or spirits.
- Her kind words lifted him up during his tough times.
To increase the volume of one's voice.
- She lifted up her voice to be heard over the crowd.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "lift up":
carry uphead upjack upget it upleg uprise upbring upmove upbuoy upsend upprop upbear upservice liftdrag upsit uppull uphaul uppull up onjump upheavy liftlook upgo uprise abovestick uphands upbump upstay upstand uplift a fingerkick upstep uphold upjerk upchin upride upput upbig upplay uphop uppush upsit up withpluck upsling upstand up withpump upvalue raiseget upperk uppick uphike upstiff uplight upbell upfight upput up onride up onwindow upon the upbeam upup forkip uptake upkeep uppull up a floorcast uplove upbrighten upliven upup a heightpower upraise one's handdrive upbull upflex uptalk upgo up forclimb uphigh upbuild upfree uppush up againstfetch upheavy liftinghot upcrease upknife upaerial liftpitch upcheer upput one's hands upbob upkey up