line out
The term "line out" has various meanings in audio technology and sports, each referring to a specific action or setup.
(technical)An audio output connection that provides a fixed-level signal for external amplification or processing.
- Connect your headphones to the line out for better sound quality.
- The mixer’s line out is connected to the main speakers.
(sports)A method to restart play by throwing the ball between two lines of opposing players after it has gone out of bounds.
- The team prepared for a line out after the ball went out of play.
- A well-executed line out can provide a strategic advantage in rugby.
(sports)To be put out by hitting a line drive that is caught by a fielder.
- He lined out to the shortstop in the final inning.
- The batter was frustrated after lining out with bases loaded.
(general)To arrange items or people in a straight row.
- The teacher asked the students to line out for the assembly.
- They lined out the chairs for the event.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "line out":
field outline upout of lineream outsub outtag outhave outrig outloop linestring outpack outterm outdown lineway outbox outback lineon the linetip outend outshow outwheel outgive someone linelead outpitch outnot outdial outstraight outwrite outcount outsee outspec outall outin linetop linesing outup lineground outstep outplain linenut outmark outback outlive outspark outforward lineprint outbowl outlow lineset outcall outsound outforce outtape outgame outrim outlay on the linebar outledger linelay outout of boundstalk outread outstop outscript outenemy lineprice outjoin outbat outring outend lineclap outrhyme outboot outstock output outnerve outfactor outwalk outgo outsling outtake outleft outtrim linefish outbody linedrain outsleep outleave outget outpush outclock outqualify outgreen linebelt outbag outsecond linefull outrough outbash outarm out