make off
The phrasal verb 'make off' is often used to describe a quick departure, sometimes with an element of escaping or stealing.
(informal)To leave quickly, often to escape.
- The thief made off before the police arrived.
- As soon as the bell rang, the students made off to their next class.
(informal, British)To steal something and leave quickly.
- The robbers made off with the cash and jewelry.
- Someone made off with my bike while I was in the store.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "make off":
make off withmake away withrun off withrun offclear offwalk off withrun off onmake awaycarry offwalk offtake offmaking off without paymentgo offrun away withhead offwhisk offfly offbear offpass offride offrake offcome offjet offdrive offwalk away withget awaylook offpull offmake a run for itdo offrip offdash offget offfob offrush offrun awaypeed offfork offnick offget away withduck offcharge offback offsee offbunk offcut and runducked offmug offbug outscare offshove offjump offtoddle offkiss offhaul offcop offshoot offtouch offgob offhack offhop offrun out onbuy offduck outconk offdraw offblow offslip offcrack offgo awaythrow offcome awayset offfly outfall offcop outrack offleave offbug offplay offwalk awaystep offscrew offwalk away fromhave it awaybreak offlong offtake flightfoist offhook offgoof offwire offwork offdrive awaybring offfucked offleave overpassing offtoss offhead for the hillsfly the coopbite offwalk outknock offbeak offwhisk awaybuzz offbang offpush offleg itstrike offcart awaycome off itcarry awaytake awaywind offrig outpay offwrite offpiss offtell off