meadow vole
The 'meadow vole' is a small rodent commonly found in North American grasslands and meadows, and is often studied in ecology due to its widespread presence.
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(technical, academic)A small rodent native to North America, known for living in grassy fields and meadows.
- The meadow vole is an important species in the study of grassland ecosystems.
- Researchers observed the meadow vole's behavior during different seasons.
(scientific)A species of vole, specifically Microtus pennsylvanicus, with a short tail and dense fur, commonly found in moist, grassy areas.
- The Microtus pennsylvanicus, or meadow vole, plays a crucial role in the food web of its habitat.
- Meadow voles are often mistaken for mice but can be identified by their shorter tails.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "meadow vole":
water volefield mouseoldfield mousemeadow grassmole shrewwood mousepocket mouseharvest mousedeer mousehog mousewater molespiny pocket mousewater mousemoose deer