mess up
The phrase 'mess up' is commonly used in informal contexts to describe making errors, causing disorder, or ruining something.
(informal)To make a mistake or do something incorrectly.
- She's afraid she'll mess up on the test.
- I messed up the recipe and had to start over.
(informal)To cause disorder or confusion in a situation.
- The new software update really messed up the system.
- His unexpected arrival messed up our plans.
(informal)To ruin or spoil something.
- He had messed up his career by making poor decisions.
- The rain messed up the outdoor event.
(slang)To cause someone to feel confused or distressed.
- The traumatic experience really messed him up.
- Her comments messed me up for days.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "mess up":
muck upscrew upmessed upgoof upfoul upmuss upstuff upmist upmuddle upbugger upmix upmess aboutmess withscrewed upbotched upbug upfuck it upjumble upmuddy upfuckered upfucked upmess aroundtrip upslip uprumple upgo wrongscuzz upmash upruffle upjumbled uprough upgum upsnarl upfix upmix it upgo awryscrew aroundjam uptear upmuck aboutscrew withwhack upact upswitch upshake upget wrongfuck withgone wrongrip upfuck aroundbad uphot messbeat upstink updust updo uptore upjumble togetherout of whackhack upblow upfall upcome undonejammed upbust upcrap upcrumple upbang upstuffed uppiss something up the wallgo baddrop the ball