monkey apple
"Monkey apple" refers to various trees and their fruits, often found in tropical and subtropical regions.
(technical)A tropical tree known for its edible but often unpalatable fruit, found in regions like Madagascar, Southern Florida, and Northern Australia.
- The monkey apple tree in Madagascar produces fruit that is sticky and not favored by adults.
(technical)An evergreen tree native to Australia, also called Lilly Pilly, with edible fruit that can be white, pink, or purple.
- In New Zealand, the monkey apple tree is considered invasive.
(technical)A tree native to Central America, known for its edible fruit.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "monkey apple":
mountain applemonkey grassred applewise applestar appleapple mintelephant appleapple honeyapple cartapple redseven-year applered apemammee applegreen monkeyapple rosemonkey manmonkey showmonkey upalligator applehog applewood applemonkey businessmonkey boymonkey tailhorse applesemu applesorb appleapple dumplingmonkey gloveapple pearwax applemonkey flipmonkey lipsmonkey feverwhite monkeybanana papermonkey suitapple midgemonkey jackspider monkeymonkey modelapple piemonkey jackettoffee applemonkey humping a footballshake that monkeybalsam appleapple geranium