monkey fever

"Monkey fever" is a common name for Kyasanur Forest Disease, which is prevalent in parts of India and transmitted via tick bites.

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(technical, regional)A viral disease caused by the Kyasanur Forest disease virus, transmitted to humans through tick bites, leading to symptoms like fever, headache, muscle pain, and gastrointestinal issues.


  • The outbreak of monkey fever in the village led to several hospitalizations.
  • Health officials are warning people to take precautions against monkey fever during the tick season.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "monkey fever":

monkey grassgreen monkeyblack feveryellow feverbrain feverjungle fevermonkey businessmonkey manmonkey showmonkey upmonkey applemonkey boyyellow jackwhite fevermonkey suitspider monkeywhite monkeymonkey model