mud out
The term "mud out" is commonly used in contexts involving cleaning or clearing areas affected by mud, especially after heavy rain or flooding.
(general)To remove mud or debris from a place, often after a flood or heavy rain.
- After the storm, volunteers helped to mud out the basements in the neighborhood.
(informal)To become impassable or unusable due to excessive mud.
- The hiking trail mudded out after the downpour, making it difficult to continue.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "mud out":
swamp outmud fightslop outmud monkeymuddy upblack mudstuck in the mudclean outrig outmud potmud bathscrub outshovel outgutter outred muddig outmud wrestlingdrain outwash outsponge outslopping outforce outrush outnut outbush outclear outmagic mudrake outfog outpack outgrub outflush outsweep outground outmack outslug outmove outpush outhaul outmud fevermud duckdump outdab outdrive outpuddle upget outthrow dirt onsmoke outboot outwheel outrim outmop upway outbat outthrow dirtkick outbuck outback outpump outfield outdry outsub outstink outfish outsuck output out