muddy up

The phrase "muddy up" can refer to both literal and figurative actions, from making something physically dirty to creating confusion in a situation.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ US Voice:
πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ UK Voice:



(literal)To make a surface or body of water dirty with mud.


  • The kids muddy up the floor every time they come in from playing outside.


(idiomatic)To create confusion or make a situation more complicated.


  • The new information will only muddy up the investigation.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "muddy up":

muddle upmuck upgum upscuzz upmist upfoul upmuss uppuddle upmess upmud outbugger upjumble upfog upmix uprough upmud fightmuck aboutbug upstuff upkick up duststink upstuck in the mudgoof upruffle upbog downbogged downjumbled uprumple upmess aboutwallow in the miredarken upsnarl upscrew upstew upblack mudbotched upchurn upjumble togetherthrow dirt onjam upkick updust upgummy upthrow dirtmessed upblock upmop upmoor uprucked upwater downstir upmud wrestlingmix it up