muss up
The phrase "muss up" is commonly used in American English to describe making something untidy, especially hair or clothing.
B2Daily Life
(informal)To make something untidy or messy.
- Please don't muss up my papers; I just organized them.
(informal)To disarrange or rumple, especially hair or clothing.
- The wind mussed up her hair as she walked outside.
- He mussed up his shirt while playing with the kids.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "muss up":
mess upmuck upmist upmuddle upmessed upfoul upmix upruffle uprumple upbugger upstuff upscrew upgoof upmuddy upmess aboutbug upscuzz upjumble uprough upmess withfuck it upscrewed upmash upbotched updust upfuckered upjumbled upfix updo upbruise upgum upmix it upwhack upjam upfucked uprucked uptrip uphem upkick upshake upbeat upsnarl upsnot uptore upbust upbutt upswitch upfrizzed upjammed upstew upmess arounddone upsmell upjumble togethersmash upfall upbang upstuffed upbad uprub upruck upstink upskank uptear upkick up dusttumble upmonkey upmuscled upcrumple upshook upact upmuck aboutrip upfog upchange upnut up