nice guy

The term 'nice guy' can describe a genuinely kind individual or refer to a man who uses niceness as a facade to attract romantic interest.

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(neutral)A man who is kind, considerate, and pleasant in his interactions with others.


  • John is such a nice guy; he always helps his neighbors with their groceries.

B2Internet Slang

(sarcastic, derogatory)A man who pretends to be kind and polite with the goal of attracting women, often becoming hostile when rejected.


  • He seemed like a nice guy at first, but he turned nasty when she declined his date offer.

B2Dating Culture

(pejorative)A man who expects his kindness to be rewarded with romantic or sexual favors, often becoming resentful when these expectations are not met.


  • He complained about being a nice guy who always finishes last in relationships.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "nice guy":

good guygood peoplebig guyone guylittle guygood sortgood sportgood boy