on the table

The phrase "on the table" is widely used in political and idiomatic contexts to indicate something available for discussion or consideration.

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πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ UK Voice:



(idiomatic)Available for discussion, consideration, or action.


  • All options are on the table for solving the issue.
  • The proposal is now on the table for the committee to review.


(formal)Presented for formal discussion or negotiation.


  • The new policy is on the table for the upcoming legislative session.

C2Parliamentary Procedure

(technical)Postponed or set aside for later consideration but still available for future discussion.


  • The motion was put on the table until the next meeting.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "on the table":

at tableleave on the tableunder the tableon one's plateon the shelftable scrapon the floorset the tablerun the tablecard tableon the decktable settingon the benchdata tableon topon theround tabletea tableon the sideon the linetable mattable boardon the groundon the carpeton deckon the marketat a standon the flattable talkon the bookson the levelconsole tablein placein the roompizza table