pack out
The term "pack out" is often used in various contexts such as events, moving, and environmental conservation.
(informal)To fill a venue with a large number of people.
- The concert packed out the stadium with thousands of fans.
- The theater was packed out for the premiere.
(technical, outdoor)To carry all waste and refuse away from a natural area, ensuring it remains clean.
- Remember to pack out all your trash when you leave the campsite.
- Hikers are encouraged to pack out everything they bring in.
(general)To remove all personal belongings from a location, typically in preparation for moving.
- They spent the weekend packing out their apartment before the move.
- Make sure to pack out all your things by the end of the month.
(general)To fill a vehicle or space with items.
- They packed out the car with all their luggage.
- The storage unit was packed out with old furniture.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "pack out":
pack inpack awaypack uppack shitbag outrig outpush outhave outmove outship outwheel outkick outforce outbox outwalk outfield outstock outtag outpad outtake outline outbox upbuff outend outclean outboot outprice outhaul outshow output outbug outpitch outnut outsub outget outback outdump outsell outpacking roomcamp outchuck outslop outlive outrush outmack outkit outdrive outpump outclear outthrow outway outpack a sadpull outsleep outcount outtrap outbuck outcrap outtip outpoop outall outfill outmud outstop outbadge outfag outstink outgrub outream outpress outage outclock outsee outpit outbat outswamp outdeck outfull outclose outtake out the trashpan outbush outtuck outbowl outblock outshovel outclap outsmoke outshit outfunk outswitch outrun outfish outpunched outeat outpunch outrough outpork outblow outstep outspark outcheese outbulk outgame outbomb outcrack outterm outpiece outtoss outwrite outsweep outflush outwalk offsqueeze outmark outbox offgive outtape outhaul offfluff outspec outpay outcash outfactor outbeef outdrain outset outpuff outtop outbuy outsmack outdrink outcut outget out ofbash outpack a punchedge out