pack up
The phrase "pack up" is versatile and commonly used in various contexts, including travel, work, and machinery.
(common)To gather and put belongings into a container or bag in preparation for leaving a place.
- We need to pack up our things before we check out of the hotel.
- She packed up her suitcase for the trip.
(informal, british)To cease work or an activity and prepare to leave.
- It's late, let's pack up and go home.
- He packed up his desk on his last day at the office.
(informal, british)To stop functioning or working properly, often referring to machinery or equipment.
- The washing machine packed up, and we need to get it repaired.
- My car packed up on the way to work.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "pack up":
pack awaypack inpack shitpack outbox uppack a sadbag uppacking roomruck upwrap upback upsack upparcel upload upship outfold upwrapped uppull up stumpsput awaybag outbundle uppack a punchpack and playgear uppick uppluck upstock upvacuum packrug upflat packwrapping upbug outtack upsell uphitch upfinish uppamper packingstrike the tentmove outclean upmove backroll upclear offtie uphaul offbook uptake upkit outjam uptuck uppull outzip upbunk up