pimp up
"Pimp up" is a colloquial expression used to describe enhancing or decorating something in a flashy or extravagant manner.
(informal)To dress in flashy or attention-grabbing clothing or accessories.
- She decided to pimp up her outfit for the party with glittery jewelry.
(informal)To decorate or modify something in a showy and extravagant way.
- He pimped up his car with neon lights and custom rims.
(informal)To make something more impressive or eye-catching.
- They pimped up the presentation with animated graphics and sound effects.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "pimp up":
pimp outsoup upsex upvamp upjazz updope updo uppump upamp uptrick outgussy upspice updone upboss upspruce uphype uppimp slaptricked outjazzed upsparkle upskank upjuice upfix upwhore upblinged outpaint upgeed uppepper updub upplay uphot upbump upbig upgorilla pimpdress uppumped uppolish upbooze uppower upgas upsauce updeck outhit upperk upamped uppull up oncheese upbuff upplump upcamo uptool upcolor upsugar upcrank uppunch upget it upjack upjuiced uppork uphop upglaze upgen upswitch uptrice uptalk uphem upbutch upkick upup the antestep upfire upliven upspark upcammed outfit upbitch uptune upsmarten upbadge upstiff uphopped uptouch uprizzed uppuff upwhack upgear uppitch upturnt upblaze upcranked upbrighten upturn upramp upgrease upsharpen updickied upput up onbeefed outshine upone upsmoke up