pitch out

The term "pitch out" is most commonly associated with baseball but also appears in other sports and contexts.

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(technical)A pitch intentionally thrown outside the strike zone to allow the catcher to quickly throw out a base runner.


  • The pitcher decided to pitch out to prevent the runner from stealing second base.

B2American Football

(technical)A lateral pass thrown by the quarterback to a running back.


  • The quarterback executed a perfect pitch out to the running back, who gained several yards.

B1General Usage

(informal)To discard or dispose of something as trash.


  • She decided to pitch out the old magazines cluttering the living room.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "pitch out":

throw outtoss outbowl outpit outpitch onpitch and tosstag outwild pitchfield outpush outkick outfoul outchuck outtip outforce outsling outrig outbat outstrike outball outbash outthrow aboutground outpitch infling outthrow inhit outbox outpack outpitch wooboot outbomb outcrap outhave outspark outserve outdump outline outpop outback output outbuck outduck outthresh outswing outwheel outtrap outpeg outthrow downpunch outpull outpay outbrushback pitchjump outcount outplay ballout of boundsfly ballspout outfish outsub outthrow offbat aroundbung outpunk outplay outhit one out of the ballparkcop outspin outthrow someone a curvethrow overprice outball offpunched outslug outtoss aroundgame outgive outdish outpan outway outshit outrush outbat awaypitch uppush offcast awaypick offtap outshow outspit outedge outcast offbush outbail outrim outcheese outoutkick one's coveragepoke outpoop outfly outslop outshot outbitch outsit outstep outchange upswitch out