play up
The phrase "play up" has multiple meanings, ranging from behavior to emphasizing importance, and is commonly used in both British and general English.
(informal, British)To behave badly or misbehave.
- The children have been playing up all afternoon.
(informal)To cause trouble or annoyance, often referring to physical discomfort or malfunction.
- My back is playing up again.
- The computer has been playing up all day.
(common)To emphasize or highlight something to make it seem more important.
- She played up her achievements during the interview.
(informal)To play more aggressively or competitively.
- The team started to play up in the second half.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "play up":
talk upamp uphype upsex upkick upvamp upgin uppump upcamp it upwork upfight uprun uptrump uphead uppitch upact uphot updo upfront upbuild upget it uppimp upbutt upkiss upup the antemove updrum upon the upbull uplift upone upbear upplead upcrank upjack upamped upsend upstep upperk upplay toput upsuck uphop upbring upprop upstick upbump upbig upleg uplove upgen upgo upplay ongussy upante uptap updress upturn upplay alongbell upgee uppush upplay abouthike upkeep uppolish upplay outpaint upjump uppipe updrag upshow offcharm upstiff uppuff upjazz upbuoy upput up onramp upbuff uppluck upplump uppull up onsoup upup forread upjoke upcarry uppork upbug upbrass uphem upplay atrub upstay uppower upgo up forkip upact outshine uppad upplay inpull uptee upfire updrive upbrace upring upsugar upconnect updone upflex upsharpen upgeed uphit upcheese upplay it for all it's worthhaul upskank uppumped upfluff upcome on topost upbuy upwhore uppush up againstpush onride upcolor upcharge upmake a play