pluck up

The phrase "pluck up" is versatile, often used to describe summoning courage or physically removing something from its place.

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B2Personal Development

(informal)To gather the courage or determination to do something challenging.


  • She finally plucked up the courage to speak in front of the crowd.


(general)To pull or remove something, especially plants or weeds, from the ground.


  • He plucked up the weeds from the garden bed.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "pluck up":

buck upfetch upscrump uppick upscare upscrape uprake uphaul upruck upbear upperk upgee updig upbrace upgin updrag upkick uphitch upscoop upruffle upgather strengthnut uplift upgen upsweep upjerk upfight upsnap uprumple uppull upprick uppull up stumpsdrum upget it upsack upwork upjack uppack upbull uppull up onpick oneself up off the floorchin uphack uppick atgulp upbug uppork upbutt uppull offchirk upplay updredge uprough upget uppull throughhem upbutch upstick upbrush upstiff uppull infix uproll up one's sleevesfluff upbroom upspruce upbrass upjump uppuddle upman upbuy upwhip upup stickspick offcure uppick onstraighten uppick up stitchespitch uptake upchoose upante upstrike upchurn upstir uphead up