polish up
The phrase "polish up" is versatile, used both literally and figuratively to describe improvement or enhancement.
B2Personal Development
(informal)To practice or review a skill or knowledge to achieve a higher level of proficiency.
- She decided to polish up her French before the trip to Paris.
B2Business and Image
(informal)To improve or enhance the appearance or impression of something.
- The company needs to polish up its public image.
(literal)To clean and shine a surface by rubbing it.
- He spent the afternoon polishing up the silverware.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "polish up":
polish offspruce upsharpen uprub up onbrush updo upfix uptouch uprub upfreshen upfinish upshine upgussy upvamp upscrub updone upjazz upclean uppaint uppimp updust offbrighten upfirm upwork upmug upshape upperk uptighten upsex upbuff upsoup upplay upsparkle uptone upsmarten upglaze upoil uprough upbroom upstraighten upbutch upbrass upspice upamp updress upread uppatch up