pop out

The phrase 'pop out' is versatile and can be used in various contexts, from everyday situations to sports and computing.

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(informal)To leave a place with the intention of returning shortly.


  • I'll just pop out to the store and be back in a few minutes.


(technical)To appear on the screen as a temporary window or menu.


  • A notification will pop out when you receive a new message.


(baseball, softball)To hit a ball that is caught by a fielder, resulting in an out.


  • He popped out to the shortstop in the last inning.


(informal)To give birth.


  • She just popped out her third child last week.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "pop out":

pop uppop downpop offjump outpoke outspring outcome outstick outpush outbust outbob upburst outbreak outcrop outspring upflip outpull outshow outcome upstep outburst uppoop outcome out withstand outtip outon and poppingduck outshow upwhip outbubble upslip outfly outpuff outspout outcrack outjump uppress outstop outhop upcrap outfall outtop outpeal outpunk outpitch outhave outpipe uppull upturn outgame outsee outcome forthturn upgo outbomb outball outkick outback outwheel outdrop downprang outswing outbring outpop one's corkdrop intopump outhop intopull up onforce outpush inspark outbounce offblow outrush outbug outrig outget outblow upbell uppan outpop shotpuffed outcall outpunch outroll outfish outbung outcrash outflare outtrick outshot outbubble underflake outpit outbounce aroundput outbush outspill outrear one's headbuck outboot outpush overbelly outtrap outbounce backwalk outpunched outcork outshow oneselfdrop intuck outcatch outcheese outpull offwell uppop a squatsing outcome up tostick upsqueeze outlet outsound out