prang out

A British slang term often used to describe extreme anxiety or panic, sometimes related to drug experiences.

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πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ UK Voice:



(slang, informal)To become extremely anxious or stressed, often leading to panic.


  • He started to prang out when he realized he had lost his wallet.
  • She tends to prang out before big exams.

C1Drug Culture

(slang, informal)To have a bad experience on drugs, often involving paranoia or panic.


  • After taking too much, he began to prang out and needed to be calmed down.
  • She pranged out at the party and had to leave early.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "prang out":

pranged outcrash outspark outbang outpeal outcrack outbust outbash outpound outsmack outfling outbang offbang aroundstink outbelt outbang intobrass outpop outbang oncrap outpeg outburst outclap outspaz outprat aboutpush outprone outspring outspin outspout outream outring outhit outprick upbawl outcrash inbang upconk outblab outblast output outbang awayjump outpress outpump outpuff outbung outbat out