pull out
The phrase "pull out" can describe various actions of removing, withdrawing, or transitioning in different contexts, from driving to military maneuvers.
To remove or extract something from a place or position.
- She had to pull out a splinter from her finger.
- He pulled out the drawer to find his keys.
To withdraw troops from an area or conflict.
- The army decided to pull out of the region after the peace agreement.
To maneuver a vehicle from a stationary position onto a road or into traffic.
- He waited for a gap in the traffic before pulling out.
To withdraw from a competition or event, often due to injury or other reasons.
- The athlete had to pull out of the race due to a hamstring injury.
To stop participating or engaging in an activity or agreement.
- The company decided to pull out of the deal at the last minute.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "pull out":
pull awaypull backpull inpush outpull offback outpull throughpull apartpull timetake outpull uprip outwhip outdraw outdraw backpull downpull overforce outdraw awaypull the plugdraw offpop outpush awaywheel outget outpull up onpush insqueeze outsuck outpress outwalk outpulling the plugcash outmove outjump outbuck outpull up stumpsduck outpush offcome outkick outpump outpush alongdrive outpeal outtake it out ofrush outbug outpush backyank offtuck outstep outslip outtip outcut outsystem pullfall outpull stringscop outswing outback awaypack outhave outpit outget out ofpick outstop outhaul outpush throughdrain outway outnut outpush overput outtap outcork outtrap outheel outbail outdraw downpeel awaypeel offdrag outflip outpitch outblow outpull a leverstep backmove awaysqueeze offswitch outstick outpull the triggertag outtear awaybush outsub outedge outwinkle outpush onrig outtease outcheese outcrap outdump outfactor outpull cordweasel outcome awaydrop outbust outclean outthrow outcut awayroll outcome offguts outcut and runpull teethoil pullpiece outdab outswap outpoop outstay outfalling outsqueeze one outpinch outmove backstring outbreak outpush aroundcall outshake outtear offdig outbrush outpop offpack uprug pullback offboot outwalk awayfish outbring outpulling powerkeep outpay outcrack outshovel outjoin outclear outpoke outpush forwardbreak awayspin outbomb outnose outdrive offleave outwalk away frompan outstep asidebox outclock outbrass out