pull up
"Pull up" is a versatile phrase used in various contexts, including physical movement, exercise, technology, and informal speech.
(common)To bring a vehicle to a stop.
- He pulled up to the curb and parked the car.
(fitness)A physical exercise where one hangs from a bar and lifts their body until the chin is level with the bar.
- She can do ten pull-ups in a row.
(computing)To retrieve and display information on a screen.
- Can you pull up the latest sales report on your laptop?
(slang)To arrive or show up at a location.
- He told me to pull up to the party around 8 PM.
(common)To lift or draw something upwards.
- She pulled up the blinds to let in some light.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "pull up":
pull up onpull inpull downpull overpull throughpull up a floorpull outpull timepush uppull up a chairbull uppull up your pantsmuscle uphaul uppull backjump uproll updrive uplift upjerk uphop upride up onpull awaypull up stumpspull offdrag upsit upride uppop upchin uppop downfetch uppush inpush overpitch uppush up againstpluck uppop outmove uppull apartpush alongjack uppush onstep upsystem pullpick upstand upcome upstick upcome up toturn upwindow upkip uphead upstay upget it upclimb upleg upcall uplook uppull a leverbob updrill upput uphold uppop offget on upbring upshow uppost upscoot uphitch upbig upbrace upload upflex upplay updrop downrock upzip upbump upget uppush throughgo upback upperk uprope uppump uppush backpower upruck upante up