pump up

The phrase 'pump up' is versatile and can refer to inflating objects, increasing intensity, motivating people, or enhancing physical appearance.

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(common)To fill something with air or gas using a pump.


  • He used a pump to pump up the bicycle tire.


(informal)To increase the volume or intensity of something.


  • The DJ pumped up the music to get the crowd dancing.


(informal)To make someone more excited or enthusiastic.


  • The coach's speech pumped up the team before the game.


(technical)To cause muscles to swell through intense exercise.


  • He pumped up his biceps at the gym.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "pump up":

pumped upgas uppump outamp upplump uppump and jumpprime the pumpcrank uphype upvamp uppuff uppump carbuff upjack uppimp upjuice upsoup upbump upcharge uppower upamped upget it upplay uphot upramp uppump someone's fistbuild upfist pumpblast upbull uptank upfluff upheat upwork uppush upcranked upbulk upjuiced upkick upgin upgeed upbuoy upgen upfire uptalk upturn up the heatperk upjump uptighten uphop uppump and dumpsex upgear upfill uplift upblow uptop uptone upcrease upup the antestep uphike uppuffed upshoot upstiff uprun updrive uppepper upjazz uppush inspike uptrump upgee upgo uppunch upsugar upturn updope upflex updrum uppumping ironpaint upmuscled uppuff outpush onwarm upbooze updo upspin uppush up againstfight upsteam upbig upspark upfirm upfatten upbulk outprop upbung uphopped upspice uprark upunder the pumppitch upbrace upspeed upliven upone pump chumpload uptool uprev uppull up onsend uppuffed outpull upgoose upgun uppep rallymove upwind up