punch up
The term "punch up" can be used in various contexts, including comedy, writing, and physical altercations, often implying enhancement or confrontation.
B2Comedy and Writing
(informal)To make a joke or script more effective by adding stronger or more surprising elements.
- The writer decided to punch up the script by adding some clever one-liners.
B2General Use
(informal)To enhance or add energy to something, making it more interesting or effective.
- The chef added some spices to punch up the flavor of the dish.
B2Social Commentary
(slang)To criticize or attack individuals or groups with more power or privilege.
- The comedian is known for punching up at politicians in her routines.
B2British Informal
(informal, british)A physical fight or altercation involving punching.
- A punch-up broke out at the bar last night.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "punch up":
punch downpunch-up sessionpunch inpack a punchpunch outpunch frontpunched outpunch linegut punchpunching bagkidney punchpunch someone's ticketone-two punchpunch drunkknock upjazz upcenter punchjuice uphole punchpepper upfight upknuckle upkick updonkey punchbust uppimp upbuff uppump upsmack upjoke upfluff upspice upjuiced upbull upmash upmilk punchbang upbeat uppunch cardspike upcheese upamp upchange upplump upbowl upwhack uppaste uppump someone's fistbutch upsoup uppuff updo upbump uppound outroast uppower upwhip upcuff upbooze up